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Re: [ceqli] Re: Connectives

on 2/25/04 10:14 PM, Rex May - Baloo at rmay@hidden.email wrote:

> on 2/25/04 10:08 PM, Rex May - Baloo at rmay@hidden.email wrote:
>>> I also think we may need different levels of connecting
>>> hyphens...Some stickier or with broader scope than others. Or
>>> again, "sa" to say 'let's pause a moment and gather everything up'.
>>> Did we ever decide whether "sa" wraps up everything including all
>>> preceding "sa" clauses, or just everything since the previous "sa" in
>>> the sentence?
>> Yes.  I'm afraid I keep coming back to some Loglanish solution.  Ceqli was
>> first conceived as a Loglan reform, anyway.   Let's think broadly:
>> My first notion was to adopt all the Loglan connectives as is but to have
>> he, ha, etc. in place of e, a, to fit the ceqli phonology.  We really can't
>> do that, as we have two excellent words, ho and hu, that I'd hate to
>> interfere with.  My second thought was to replace e, a, etc. with a series
>> of diphthongs, which is still sort of what's going on.... A weird thought.
>> We could ressurrect your j/dj contrast, setting j to /Z/, and have the
>> series ja je ji jo ju for connectives!  Let's think this through calmly...
>> We would  have a slight weirdness in that c would be the unvoiced equivalent
>> of dj.   We really don't want to change that c.  It's been messed with all
>> too much already.
>> connectives would then be:
>> Loglan    Ceqli
>> a       ja
>> e       je
>> i       ji
>> o       jo
>> u       ju
>> noa     buja
>> anoi    jabu
>> Another possibility would be to have a "hla" series, where the hl is
>> essentially an unvoiced "l".
> Or, what would you suggest?  I mean, keep the aeiou series, but prefix them
> with something.  Kr?  Kl? Or rearrange some vocabulary and use a
> single-letter series.   If the latter, it'd be nice to pick something that
> doesn't require much shifting.  Certainly not b, c, d, f, g,...

A  quick look thru the vocabulary so far shows that of the h's, only hu and
ho are used up, and of the v's, only vi and vo.

Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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