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--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote: > For connectives I want all the logic and versatility of Loglan, but of > course they can't be in the shape V. Rather than try to ape the rather > elegant simple list of vowels, though, I think I want a K-series. > > kay (Loglan e) and > kor (Loglan seems to have no equivalent) or, but not both > kaw (Loglan a) or, and maybe both > konli (Loglan o) if and only if > kumu (Loglan u) whether or not > bukaw (Loglan noa) implies > and, of course > bebukaw (pron. beh-BOO-cow) if I reread my Loglan discussion of "noa". Several times. I'm hanging on by a thread of comprehension, but I'm okay with "bukaw" and therefore "bebukaw". > > the latter two are very Loglanish in form and structure, and I do think I > want to preserve that logic-ish aspect of Loglan in ceqli. > > Now, the word 'and', I think, can be modified by putting it into compounds. Do you mean logical compounds, or compound predicates? Example? > More to come. Reactions? > Loglan's architecture is solid. Let's borrow! ---K