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For connectives I want all the logic and versatility of Loglan, but of
course they can't be in the shape V.  Rather than try to ape the rather
elegant simple list of vowels, though, I think I want a K-series.

kay (Loglan e) and
kor (Loglan seems to have no equivalent) or, but not both
kaw (Loglan a) or, and maybe both
konli   (Loglan o) if and only if
kumu  (Loglan u) whether or not
bukaw (Loglan noa) implies
and, of course
bebukaw (pron. beh-BOO-cow) if

the latter two are very Loglanish in form and structure, and I do think I
want to preserve that logic-ish aspect of Loglan in ceqli.

Now, the word 'and', I think, can be modified by putting it into compounds.
More to come. Reactions?


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