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Re: [ceqli] Re: definite & indefinite articles

on 1/31/04 1:54 PM, HandyDad at lsulky@hidden.email wrote:

>> -- 
> Well, Portuguese treats them like common nouns: "Onde esta o Jose? O
> Jose esta em casa." = 'Where is the Jose? The Jose is at home.'. But
> the article isn't always there...I can't say why, I just have a
> (rudimentary) sense for it.
> I think Ceqli is on solid ground here. The "tay/betay" marker pair
> works very well for foreign names (where by 'foreign' we mean 'does
> not conform to Ceqli morphotactics'). Using "ti" for native names
> tells us ahead of time that we can assume the end of the name when we
> reach the next Ceqli word boundary, so that's good too. If I want to
> identify myself very clearly, I can use my mixed Ceqli/foreign names
> like so:
> "Go bi ti Krawn tay Sulki betay."
> Which is the high-falutin' way to say the more everyday form:
> "Go bi Krawn Sulki."
> (Digression: The grammar rules say that "ti Krawn" and "tay Sulky
> betay" designate the same thing. They don't say that one name is the
> given name and the other is the family name, and I don't know if they
> need to.)

No, they don't need to, just like they don't need to in any other language.
We can of course explain which is which, but I don't think we need any
special formula to do it.

And yes, but a name that is pretty much Ceqli anyway, like Sulky, would
probably just come out 'sulki'.
> What would be the difference between names operating like pronouns
> versus operating like nouns? They couldn't transform into adjectives:
> "ti Krawnse xyen" = 'Krawn's dog'
> Or could they? "Go" and "zi" can.

Don't see why not.  In case of confusion, it can of course be ti krawn beti
se xyen.


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