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Rex May - Baloo <rmay@hidden.email> wrote > on 2/8/03 10:22 PM, Alexander Browne at > alexbrowne@hidden.email wrote: > >> I've decided that the Ceqli word for 'person' > should be 'so'> 'xi' means 'woman'> >> I'm considering 'jo' or 'zo'> > We want three different words � person, man(male), > woman(female)> All should have the form CV, with each C and V being> different. The latter two will have the forms Co and Ci. Assigning the second two thus:> zo and xi means that 'person' must end with vowel 'u'> I'm inclined towards 'su'. Ray: XI is perfect for female, and ZO/JO or ZU/JU seem reasonable choices for male. S~ is closely related to both X~ and Z~ and is balanced between them. X~ and J~ are also balanced in relationship to S~ and Z~. Either R~ or Y~ strike me to be as appropriate for person than S~ or Z~. Below I have listed the possibilities to weigh up the balance: Examples: Female - Person - Male XI - RA - ZU XI - RA - ZO* XI - RA - JU XI - RA - JO* XI - RE - ZU XI - RE - ZO* XI - RE - JU XI - RE - JO* XI - RO - ZU XI - RU - ZO XI - RO - JU XI - RU - JO XI - YA/SA - ZU XI - YA - RO* XI - YE/SE - ZU XI - YE/SE - RO XI - SA - ZE XI - SA - ZO* XI - SO - ZU XI - SO - ZE XI - SU - ZE XI - SU - ZO* I asterisked those that looked better balanced to me and list them here: XI - RA - ZO XI - RA - JO XI - RE - ZO XI - RE - JO XI - YA - RO XI - SA - ZO XI - SU - ZO As a Japanese speaker JO strikes me as being female so out of these I would choose: XI - RA - ZO XI - RE - ZO* XI - YA - RO XI - SA - ZO* XI - SU - ZO RA also seems masculine to me - it is the word for male in Sona! And ~U - ~O are not always distinctive in Semitic languages...... So finally: 'XI - SA - ZO' looks best to me! Ray http://greetings.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Greetings - Send your seasons greetings online this year!