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on 6/8/02 12:50 PM, Rob Speer at rob@hidden.email wrote: > A bunch more suggested cina, in order from the Lojban frequency list. > > Cina that I am just introducing now are marked with *. Excellent words. I accept all as is except for some of them as noted: > > Ceqli Lojban English place structure > ----- ------ ------- --------------- > bol cusku say x1 expresses/says x2 to audience x3 > trej mutce much x1 is much in property x2 / is very x2 > sta zvati at x1 is at/present at x2 > kam gunka work x1 works at activity x2 > kal tavla talk x1 talks to x2 about x3 > dxa klama go x1 goes/comes to x2 from x3 > fan nelci like x1 likes/is fond of x2 > vol djica want x1 wants event/state x2 > jan djuno know x1 knows facts x2 about x3 by epistemology x4 should be 'dxan' > ploj pilno use x1 uses x2 for purpose x3 > sali cliva leave x1 leaves from x2 Good. Can 'sila' be 'arrive'? > per prenu person x1 is a person > pren jimpe understand x1 understands truth x2 about x3 > cen * cmene name x1 is the name of x2 used by x3 for this I had 'kjam', from Italian. Or is this used in a different sense? > vin * viska see x1 sees/views x2 > pen * pensi think x1 thinks about/considers subject/concept x2 I had 'dum' from russian, but we can keep that for 'opine' > ger drata other x1 is something else besides x2 > calu * catlu look x1 looks at/inspects/watches/gazes at x2 > bon xamgu good x1 is good/beneficial for x2 > pin cmalu small x1 is small in property x2 Perhaps we can make 'big' and 'small' reverse opposites. Maybe 'smal' and 'slam' Any better words possible? > kom citka eat x1 eats x2 > dom zdani house x1 is a house/nest/den/lair of x2 > for * tsali strong x1 is strong in property x2 > kami * skami computer x1 is a computer for purpose x2 We already have 'gin' from the Hindi for 'calculate. and it's good for it to be a single syllable for compounding purposes. > vor valsi word x1 is a word meaning x2 in language x3 > teni * jundi attentive x1 pays attention to x2 > kore * drani correct x1 is correct in property x2 And 'kero' incorrect? > ceqli Ceqli x1 reflects Ceqli language/community in aspect x2 > [The entry here in the Lojban frequency list was 'lojbo', which would > perhaps become 'xbano'.] > soma tcidu read x1 reads text x2 from reading material x3 > traj troci try x1 tries to do x2 by method x3 > dwel xabju dwell x1 dwells/lives at location/habitat/home x2 > turn * xruti return x1 returns to origin/earlier state x2 from x3 > [Lojban's "xruti" has x1 as the agent, but that's considered a > mistake.] > bar bacru utter x1 utters/speaks sound x2 > ten ponse possess x1 possesses/owns/has x2 > dorm sipna sleep x1 is asleep > vini * cevni god x1 is a/the god of people/religious community > x2 over dominion x3; x1 is divine > kre * zbasu make x1 makes/creates/builds x2 out of x3 > tiq tirna hear x1 hears sound x2 > ske * dukse excess x1 is excessive/too much in property x2 > skri ciska write x1 writes x2 on medium x3 with implement x4 > stori * lisri story x1 is a story/tale about x2 by storyteller x3 > (to audience x4?) > stre * cizra strange x1 is strange/odd to x2 in property x3 > gro barda big x1 is large in property x2 Again, maybe we want an opposite-spelled pair here. > kwer * preti ask x1 asks question x2/asks about x2 to audience x3 > [Lojban has the question in x1 and the questioner in x3, which is > awkward.] > sir stedu head x1 is the head of x2 > stuj * tadni study x1 studies/is a student of x2 > sjol * sutra fast x1 is fast at doing x2 > [The opposite word will be 'sloj'.] > kroli * ractu rabbit x1 is a rabbit/hare of species x2 > [This word is only so high in the frequency file because Alice in > Wonderland was included.] > ciwe * cilre learn x1 learns x2 about subject x3 from source x4 Maybe we want opposites 'learn' and 'teach' here. > bel melbi beautiful x1 is beautiful to x2 in aspect x3 > fina facki discover x1 finds out x2 about x3 > kan * kakne able x1 is able to/can do x2 > den * djedi full day x1 is x2 full days in duration (default 1) > gan * gasnu do x1 brings about/is an agentive cause of event x2 I take it this would be a common suffix, right? If so, maybe a fricative letter would be a better initial for it, for ease of pronunciation of some combinations. Perhaps 'van', from the Hindi suffix. > pina * jinvi opine x1 thinks/opines that x2 is true about x3 on > grounds x4 For this we could use dum as above. > cain simlu seem x1 appears to have property x2 to observer x3 cajn better? > han * fasnu event x1 is an event that happens/takes place > sti * zasti exist x1 exists under metaphysics x2 > can * casnu discuss x1 discusses/talks about x2 I'm inclined to want to make compounds for some of these things. Perhaps 'tembol' for this one. > ban * bangu language x1 is the language used by x2 > kri * krixa cry out x1 cries out/yells/howls sound x2 > von * voksa voice x1 is a voice/speech sound of x2 > fren pendo friend x1 acts as a friend to x2 > sim simsa similar x1 is similar/parallel to x2 in property x3 > fala * jitfa false x1 is false by metaphysics x2 > vim * jmive live x1 is alive > felin mlatu cat x1 is a cat of species/breed x2 > tira * finti invent x1 invents/creates/composes/authors x2 for > purpose x3 > cjem * cmima member x1 is a member of set/group x2 I'm a little reluctant about the pronunciation here. The cj. I'd think it might be hard to distinguish from cem and sjem. > fra * jufra sentence x1 is a sentence/statement about x2 in language x3 > pal * cpacu get x1 obtains/acquires x2 from source x3 > kor * morji remember x1 remembers/recollects fact/memory x2 about > subject x3 > tjer * milxe mild x1 is mild/not extreme/somewhat in property x2 > smin * smuni mean x1 means/has interpretation x2 recognized by x3 > gwan * zgana observe x1 observes/watches x2 using senses/means x3 > kar zukte act x1 volitionally takes action x2 for purpose/goal x3 > cino * cnino new x1 is new to observer x2 in feature x3 > spon * spuda reply x1 answers/responds to > person/object/event/stimulus x2 with response x3 > froj * gleki happy x1 is happy about x2 > dxam denpa wait x1 pauses/waits for x2 at state x3 before resuming > x4 > tire * cinri interest x1 interests x2 > kamen * pinka comment x1 makes comment x2 about subject x3 to audience x4 > tajr * tatpi tired x1 is tired/fatigued by effort/situation x2 > stu * zutse sit x1 sits (ongoing state, not 'sits down') on x2 > [Lojban lacks this clarification.] Really? Well, I'd like to use Esperanto-like suffixes for this sort of thing. Maybe dxi from Esperanto -ig^. Studxi, then, means sit down. > dxaj stuzi site x1 is the inherent location/position of x2 > (object/event) > sem kanla eye x1 is the eye of x2 > kun kansa with x1 is with/accompanies/is a companion of x2 in > state/condition x3 > skul * ckule school x1 is a school teaching x2 to community x3 Just a thought, but how about skul - teach, sklu -learn, and skuldom or skuldxaj -school > smaw * smacu mouse x1 is a mouse of species/breed x2 > kin * cumki possible x1 is possible; x1 may/might occur > smor morsi dead x1 is dead / has ceased to be alive > tajl pagbu part x1 is a part/component/portion of x2 This is good. I will update the vocabulary at the main site asap. -- >PLEASE NOTE MY NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: rmay@hidden.email > Rex F. May (Baloo) > Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp > Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm > Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm >Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/