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Re: [txeqli] ?

on 5/20/02 3:45 PM, Rob Speer at rob@hidden.email wrote:

> On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 06:41:38AM -0600, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
>> Has everybody disappeared, or is Yahoo all backed up?
> I think the various discussions have come to a stop.
> So I'll start something. What Ceqli needs now are predicates and place
> structures for them. I'll attach a file I sent to the Lojban list, which
> is the gismu (root word / cina) list sorted by how frequently the word is used
> in Lojban text, including the live chats on IRC.
> This file doesn't have the place structures; you can look them up in the
> list at http://www.lojban.org/publications/wordlists/gismu.txt
> And to get started, some suggested place structures for the top 10 words
> on the list. Words I've come up with are marked with *.
> * bol: x1 says/expresses idea/quote x2 to audience x3
> * veri: x1 is much in property x2 (is very x2)
> (or just 'ver'? Or a cognate from another language?)
I'm inclined to want a single syllable here, and also a reversible one, so
as to have the opposite 'slightly' or 'moderately'.  Maybe do it in reverse,
so that 'slightly' is slaj, and very is sjal.  But I don't really like that.
Anybody have a better idea.  Probably we'll end up with an a priori word.
> sta: x1 is at location x2
> kam: x1 works at activity x2
I sort of want a third place meaning maybe 'in exchange for' or 'for wages'
> * kal: x1 talks to x2 about x3
> (describing the subject, not what is actually said)
> ven: x1 comes/goes to destination x2 from x3
So, come and go are the same word.  Everybody agree?  If so, I think I'd
prefer that dxa be the word.
> * fan: x1 likes/is fond of x2
> vol: x1 wants event/state x2
> (Many Lojban predicates have events or states for their places. For
> an object to go there, you put "tu'a" before it, indicating that
> there is an implied event. For example, "I want some coffee" implies
> "I want to have some coffee". I think it makes sense to keep this
> distinction in Ceqli.)
Would there be a different meaning without the tu'a, or would it be
meaningless?   My first reaction is to use ke.  So that
Go vol ke go ten ta pani.  Can be shortened to
Go vol ke ten pani.  or even
Go vol ke pani.
On the other hand, why not be able to say
Go vol ta pani.
We could look at it thus, that x2 has to be a noun phrase of some kind, and
the noun can be a t-word phrase or a ke-phrase
> jan: x1 knows facts x2 about x3 (by epistemology x4?)
> (The x4 place of Lojban's "djuno" is actually one of the more
> frequently used oblique places; it answers the question "how do you
> know?")
Neat!  I like it!
> ploj: x1 uses x2 for purpose x3

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
> Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm
> Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm
>Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/