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Re: [txeqli] male/female

on 4/30/02 1:30 PM, Rob Speer at rob@hidden.email wrote:

> If you're suggesting this just as a convention, and that single
> morphemes for 'father' and 'mother' would be nice to have, that sounds
> good. If you're suggesting it as a general convention that could be
> applied to many different words, it's ugly. Word endings should not
> affect anything.
Yes.  A convention.  Doesn't mean anything, just like the t's in the
tVV's don't mean anything.  A mnemonic.
> It's probably useful to have single morphemes for "mother" and "father".
> Lojban does. In fact, it has "mother", "father", "parent", "brother",
> "sister", "sibling" as all different words. So the -i and -o convention
> could be useful for creating these morphemes, but should not actually be
> a rule of the language.
> But why in the world have separate morphemes for "male dog" and "female
> dog"?
Good question.   Probably a bad idea.  Restrict it to kinship and human
category words.

pam, pami, pamo   partent, mother father
frer, -i -o  sibling, etc.
fil  - child (of) offspring
zin - cousin

And other kinship terms to be formed as compounds.

pamfrero uncle
frerfili niece
pampami grandmother
> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
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