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Re: [txeqli] male/female

On Mon, Apr 29, 2002 at 08:45:33PM -0600, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> I want to revert to an earlier stage of Ceqli for male/female words.  Now,
> Loglan does something totally silly by having separate words for
> mother/father, sister/brother, and then making parent and sibling as
> compounds.  Silly.  Did Lojban follow that pattern?  Anyhow, here's the
> Ceqli pattern.
> pam - parent,  pamo - father, pami - mother
> Thus for all kinship terms, and also for words that commonly have the sex
> indications.   Kan, kani, kano   Tcel (person) tceli, tcelo.  The i and o
> endings can be thought of as metamorphemes.

If you're suggesting this just as a convention, and that single
morphemes for 'father' and 'mother' would be nice to have, that sounds
good. If you're suggesting it as a general convention that could be
applied to many different words, it's ugly. Word endings should not
affect anything.

It's probably useful to have single morphemes for "mother" and "father".
Lojban does. In fact, it has "mother", "father", "parent", "brother",
"sister", "sibling" as all different words. So the -i and -o convention
could be useful for creating these morphemes, but should not actually be
a rule of the language.

But why in the world have separate morphemes for "male dog" and "female

Rob Speer