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Re: [txeqli] Re: Lojban 'h'

on 4/27/02 12:14 PM, uaxuctum at uaxuctum@hidden.email wrote:

> --- In txeqli@y..., Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote:
>> Does Lojban use the letter 'h', or just ' and x?
> AFAIK, it uses <h> as the UPPERcase version of
> letter <'>, so that 'ki'o' becomes 'KIhO' in caps.
> It doesn't use 'h' as a separate letter because
> phoneme /h/ is already represented by letter <'>.
> Lojban's quite absurd use of <h> is surely one of its
> main orthographical inconveniences, since no word
> processor will convert ' into h using a lowercase-
> into-uppercase conversion option nor recognize <h>
> as the uppercase counterpart of <'>.

I have to admit, that's the silliest thing yet about Lojban.  Also the
problem of alphabetization.    Actually, it's not as bad as I'd feared ? I
thought they had x and two 'h' sounds.

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
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