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Re: [txeqli] Word order

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 12:59:27PM -0600, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> If Cegli adopts predicate place structure, with the conversion particles be
> and ge, will we have to abandon moving the last argument around to the
> front?  That is 1 2 3-argument P-pred
> 1P23
> 2beP13
> 3geP21
> Those ok, right?  So can we still say:
> 21P
> or
> 31P2
> or
> 231 P
> Rule being that the last argument before the pred is 1, and any other
> arguments before that 1 have to be in ascending order.
> Or shall we just let be and ge carry the burden?

The rule in Lojban isn't that the last argument before the pred is 1,
but that the first argument after the pred isn't 1. (More specifically,
after the pred you go to the first argument greater than 1 which hasn't
been used yet.)

This allows 12P, 12P3, and 123P, which seems much less confusing than
21P and 31P2 (why would this last one not be 21P3?)

A concrete example: "mi klama do" (I come to you) is the same as "mi do

And though I suggested "ge", I'd still like to change the idea to "ce"
for more contrast.

Rob Speer