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Re: [txeqli] attitudinals

on 4/23/02 11:31 PM, Rob Speer at rob@hidden.email wrote:

> In Lojban it's accepted that many attitudinals change the truth value.
If so, they're not 'attitudinals', really, but 'opinionals.'  :)

> Some people consider it bad form to include "e'o" without "ko" (the
> imperative you). This would be muddled in Loglan because they had no
> imperative you pronoun, and in fact it was implied from leaving out the
> x1 (an inconsistent and English-centric idea).

Yes.  And I want a bare grovor to be an observative, not an imperative.

Dom.   (I see a) house.
Ven.   (somebody) comes.

Is that the case in Lojban?

And my plan for imperatives was simply:

Go tciq ke zi ven.    I invite that you come.

With the option of dropping the go to make the tciq observative.

(there is an) invite that you come.

That's fairly terse, but it just about has to go at the beginning of the
sentence.  Also, it can apply to non-yous.

Tciq ke da ven.   May he come, I invite his coming.

Tciq ke go ven.   I'd like to come.  May I came.

And other than 'invite', could also use pray, beg, implore, etc.

But you think an eo form would also be good to have?

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
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