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> option 1 - c /S/, x /Z/ - tc /tS/, dx /dZ/ > > Frech 'ch' /tS/ > Sanskrit transcription 'c' /tS/ > Lojban 'c' /S/ > Albanian xh for /dZ/ > > > option 2 - c /Z/, x /S/ - dc /dZ/, tx /tS/ > > Turkish 'c' /dZ/ > Catalan, Basque, Portuguese 'x' /S/ > Pinyin 'x' /c<curled>/ (kind of sh sound) I'm used to pinyin and Catalan, so I like option 2. In your examples, I prefer the second versions. -- Alexander Browne | alexbrowne@hidden.email Saint Paul, Minn., U.S.