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[txeqli] Different kinds of nouns

If we go with all non-particles being verbs and requiring some
particle to convert them into nouns, it seems that there are many
categories of nouns that should be derived from verbs. Arabic does
this a lot.

It seems that the following are the minimum number of derived forms
that need to be covered:

verb: to cut
verbal noun: the act of cutting
instance: a cut
actor: a cutter (person)
instrument: a cutter (blade or machine)

Arabic also has a way of deriving a place of action from a verbal
root. This might be useful in some cases, e.g., for the verb "to sell".

Some of these will be more obvious with other examples:

verb: to sell
verbal noun: the act of selling
instance: a sale
actor: a salesperson
instrument: n/a
place: a store, market

verb: to saw
verbal noun: the act of sawing
instance: a saw cut
actor: a sawyer
instrument: a saw
place: a sawmill?

There might also be a use for a noun of faculty:

verb: to see
verbal noun: the act of seeing
instance: a sighting
actor: a seer (person)
instrument: a scope
place: ?
faculty: vision

In particular, I would avoid creating new morphemes where derived
forms would work. Given the limited morpheme structure, it's probably
best not to waste them unnecessarily.

There are several existing Ceqli forms that already work:

verbal noun: -ka
instance: ?
actor: -pe
instrument: -ju
place: -jay
faculty: ?

Mike Wright
"The difference between theory and practice is that, in
 theory, there is no difference between theory and practice;
 in practice, however, there is." -- Anonymous