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Re: [txeqli] Re: Glosa fu/du/pa (was: Aspect)

On Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 09:30:44PM -0600, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> > 
> > What I'd really like to see is for all the non-verbs to be CV words, and
> > all the verbs to be something else. I don't know if this is possible.
> > There would probably have to be exceptions.
> Well, that would be 13 consonants x 5 vowels, or only 65 grammar words,
> unless we selected one CV which means that the following morpheme is a
> grammar word, then it wd be unlimited.  Maybe 64 wd be adequate for the most
> common.   

Including CVV could help... but what do you mean by CVV? Is this CVW (a
lot of words, but would take away a _lot_ of existing words) or maybe

Rob Speer