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Re: Glosa fu/du/pa (was: Aspect)

--- In txeqli@y..., Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote:
> I don't entirely agree.  In all languages, context enables a 
> lot of simplification.  As I said before, ciq stu is short for 
> Go ciq ke zi stu, but it could mean a lot of other things.  
> Da pa ciq ke go stu, etc.  But I want to be able to say Ciq stu.
> However, I want to be able to go context-free when necessary 
> and expand the whole thing till it's no longer ambiguous.

The danger of that is when the author _thinks_ a statement is 
unambigous when it is not. When writing (or speaking), we have 
the entire context in our mind. The reader (listener) does not 
have that benefit, so it is easy to end up with "mi volu auxi".
