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Re: [txeqli] Ga

on 3/29/02 3:09 PM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:

>> I'd like poli, but kind of want it
>> to be a single syllable.  And I think I want to prohibit 'wo' combination.
> Do you find it hard to pronounce? Or hard to distinguish from some
> other sound?
Doesn't feel like it fits the phonology, somehow.  Maybe just a prejudice on
my part.  
>> I think.  Hindi 'dal' in one meaning, is 'large number.'  Go with that?
>> Go ten dal(si) kan.  I have many dogs.
>> Go ten dal(si) pani.  I have much water.
> I don't think "si" is needed. "Dalsi" could be "majority" and "fyusi",
> "minority".

Actually, as I conceive it, 'si' doesn't mean number, it means that what
precedes it acts as a number, or, in your bailiwick, a measure.  I put the
si in parentheses because the meaning of dal makes it clear that it's a
quantifier in the sentence.  Si wd be necessary for say, taqsi pani, a
handful of water.

I think for 'majority' maybe zweytayl.  Most-part.  Or maybe plupwefaytayl.
More than half part.

>> (no need for much/many distinction, right?)
> Right. Even English seems to be losing it.
> By the way, what are we going to use to form comparatives and
> superlatives? Would "more" be "pludal", and "fewer/less" be "plufyu"?
> What about "most" and "fewest/least"?

Here I think plusi, zweysi, and the correspondings less and few words, the
'si' meaning quantifier again.  But now I'm getting confused.

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
> Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm
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