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Re: [txeqli]moveable adverbs

Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> on 3/27/02 1:14 PM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:
> >
> >>>> Now, about these moveable adverbs:
> >>>>
> >>>> I've always felt that some adverbs are clearly verb-modifiers.  Go fast,
> >>>> sleep well, etc., but that many feel more like _sentence_ modifiers.
> >>>> I eat today, Clearly, the dog is asleep, etc.
> >>>
> >>> Reminds me of "Gladly, the cross-eyed bear."
> >>>
> >>> Do you see any difference between the two following sentences?
> >>>
> >>> "Clearly, the dog is asleep."
> >>> "The dog is clearly asleep."
> >>
> >> No.  Hm.  I think the difference I see is semantic.  The dog eats fast, it
> >> tells how the dog eats.  How the eating is done.  The dog clearly eats
> >> doesn't tell us anything about the style of eating, but about the truth of
> >> the whole sentence.  That's what I mean by sentence modifier, I guess.
> >
> > Yes, You're right. Those two sentences have the same meaning because
> > the adverb precedes the verb in each case. To modify the verb (in
> > English), the adverb would have to follow the verb, which doesn't make
> > sense with "clearly" in this example.
> So, in English, at least, the distinction is made, but not in any systematic
> way.  Possibilities:
> A suffix of some sort.  FroyX to kan pa ho poji.
> Or, adding nothing at all to the system, do this.
> Froyke to kan pa ho poji.
> Which is short for:
> Go froy ke to kan pa ho poji.

Would this work as well with "klar"?

Klarke to kan pa ho poji.

Go klar ke to kan pa ho poji.

> Now, logically, it would have to come at the beginning of any sentence,
> because the 'ke' says that the phrase/sentence following is to be treated as
> a unit, usually the object of what precedes the 'ke.'
> That wd be the normal way.  If you want to add an attitudinal as an
> afterthought, I suppose
> To kan pa ho poji, go froi.
> Giving the order of elements OSV, allowable in Ceqli.

This all seems pretty reasonable to me.
> And I can see no sensible way to insert it in the middle, but who would need
> to?  If it's an afterthought, it can go at the end.

The only time I can see doing that is when you want to topicalize the subject:

To bon kan pa ho bon.
The good dog got well.

To ba kan, froy ke, (da) pa ho poji.
As for the bad dog, happily (he) died.

Mike Wright
"The difference between theory and practice is that, in
 theory, there is no difference between theory and practice;
 in practice, however, there is." -- Anonymous