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Re: [txeqli] That

On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 03:36:15PM -0700, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> > And why should such a complex machine be a morpheme, anyhow? Why not a
> > compound of some kind? A calque on the (Taiwanese) Mandarin
> > <dian4nao3> could be "dyenbrein", if we borrowed <dyen> for
> > "electrical". (But shouldn't <brein> be <breyn>?)
> Yes, should be breyn.
> Borrowing dyen for 'electrical' is a great idea.
> My thinking is that computers are at this point so universal as to call for
> a morpheme.  Already I've generated:
> gin -- computer
> gagin -- mainframe computer
> taqgin ? hand computer
> jenugin ? laptop
> stolgin ? desktop computer
> gingepley ? computer game  (maybe this should be ginpleyxo)

I agree. Given that this language is being created in the 21st century
there's no reason not to have a morpheme for "computer". Since all kinds
of computer-related words are being coined, it would be awkward if these
all had to be translated to Ceqli as compounds including "dyenbrein".

Note that in English the lack of such a morpheme is compensated for with
silly prefixes that go in and out of style, such as "cyber-" and "e-".

Rob Speer