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Re: [txeqli] Nailed Down

on 3/6/02 12:36 PM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:

> Rex May - Baloo wrote:
>> So far, then, we've nailed down the following:
>> 1. /tS/ is represented by c, never by tx.
>> 2. Vowels never become semivowels.  Y and W are used instead.
>> 3. Stress is always on the first syllable.
>> 4. Compounds are always head-last.  Xipam, dadom, blufawl, etc.
> Looks good.
>> Now I want to go into grammar big time.
> I was thinking last night about the neatness of the Japanese and
> Hokkien systems of demonstrative pronouns and such, and I have a
> proposal. I'll just use made up sounds, without worrying too much
> about whether they are available or not.
> The basic idea is to have four categories of compounds. Each compound
> would start with one of four modifiers:
> ci - near the speaker
> so - near the person being spoken to
> tu - distant from both (not always applicable)

Let's change this one to 'pu'.  Pu is in the glossary for 'to be able', but
I already changed that to 'fey'.

> kwa - interrogative
> I picked these sounds for maximum distinctiveness.
> Then, there would be a variety of heads:
> jai - place
> tor - manner, way
> vo - one(s)
> faq - direction
> fwa - point in time

Time is interesting.  Fwa is from the French meaning time in the sense of
instance.  He did it two times.   Different from he did it at two different
times.  Subtle.  So far, we have three words for time.  Horo, meaning clock
time, fwa, meaning occasion, and taym, which I don't have defined too well.
There is also a difference between time as a point and time as duration,
which makes my brain hurt.

> hu - (connector)
> These would combine to give:
> cijai - here
> sojai - there
> tujai - yonder
> kwajai - where?
> citor - like this, in this way
> sotor - like that, in that way
> (tutor)
> kwator - how? in what way?
> civo - this one
> sovo - that one
> tuvo - that one over yonder
> kwavo - which one?
> cifaq - hither, hence
> sofaq - thither,thence
> tufaq - yon
> kwafaq - whither? whence?
> cifwa - now
> sofwa - then
> (tufwa - way back then)
> kwafwa - when?
> cihu kan - this dog
> sohu kan - that dog
> tuhu kan - that dog over yonder
> kwahu kan - which dog?

In these cases, why not just use sa?
> Does this seem like a useful approach?

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
> Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm
> Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm
>Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/