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[txeqli] syllables (was: ai or ay)

Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> on 3/6/02 3:17 PM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:
> >
> > How about the question of which vowel the weak goes with in cases like
> > <hawa> or <kayu>? My feeling is that they should go with the following
> > vowel (/'ha wa/, /'ka yu/) whenever there is a VWV combo. And, in

(Oops. Shoulda been /'ka ju/.

> > fact, the same should work for other weaks, so that <bara> is /'ba
> > ra/, not /'bar a/. This seems to be the most common pattern.
> That certainly fits my instincts, and in the event of more that one weak,
> one would tend to go with each syllable.  Karma - kar ma.

Now, it seems that we are in a position to define a syllable as
something like "a vowel preceded by zero or more non-vowels, and
followed by zero or more weaks other than /j/ or /w/". If that is
correct, I'll leave it to you to translate that into a formulaic expression.

Mike Wright
"China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."  
-- Charles de Gaulle