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Re: [txeqli] bua, bwa

Rob Speer wrote:
> Right now in the word list there's "Bua" (Buddha) and "bwa" (drink).
> One of these would have to be changed if weaks are used for all
> diphthongs. Perhaps a weak could be inserted, such as changing "Bua" to
> "Buya".
> [ Having a religious figure named "Boo-yah" would just be neat. :) ]
> There are other examples too, such as "dua" (blessing) and "dwa" (must).

On the other hand, if <bua> and <dua> are two syllables, with stress
on the first syllable, perhaps there's enough of a contrast with the
monsyllabic <bwa> and <dwa>?

Mike Wright
"China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."  
-- Charles de Gaulle