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Re: [txeqli] Alphabet

On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 11:25:52AM -0700, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> Ray:>> What are the Lojban' numbers?
> The original Loglan numbers were:
> 0   ni
> 1   ne
> 2   to
> 3   te
> 4   fo
> 5   fe
> 6   so
> 7   se
> 8   ho
> 9   he
> I think -- 8 and 9 might have been vo and ve.

Ah yes, those were a tad ugly. Lojban numbers were designed to be
maximally distinguishable:

0 no    5 mu
1 pa    6 xa
2 re    7 ze
3 ci    8 bi
4 vo    9 so

To read a Lojban number, you simply speak the digits. In large numbers
you can use "ki'o" as a "number comma" which jumps to the next thousands
group. "pi" is a decimal point.

So 124 is "parevo", 98.6 is "sobipixa", and 1,003,045 is "pa ki'o ci
ki'o vomu".

For really big or small numbers you use predicates made from metric
prefixes ("gigdo" = "is a billion of...")
Rob Speer