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Re: [txeqli] Y, W

Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> Do away with y & w?  I'm open to it.  Let's see what the effects would be.
> As far as diphthongs are concerned, we'd need rules like:
> iV and uV always form a diphthong,

But not 'ii' and 'uu', don't you agree? Otherwise, you're introducing
vowel length, which might be a bit much.

> as do ai, ei, oi, au, eu.
> Other 2-vowel combinations do not form diphthongs.
> Three-vowel combinations can be triphthongs, provided the middle element is
> not i or u.
> uai - why
> iau - yow!

Actually, I would allow only those two. 

> but
> aiu - ah-you
> ewa - eh-wah
> No longer could we import words like Spanish día, because one thing we're
> all agreed about is no diacritics, and dia would be pronounced dyah.
> We'd either have to disallow 'ao' or insist on a glottal stop in the middle,
> because I, for one, con't seem to distinguish pau from pao.

I would disallow it. Japanese distinguishes them (and 'ai' vs. 'ae'),
but they are not diphthongs in Japanese, they are syllabic.

Also, 'ou' and 'ei', I'd think. In a true diphthong, they'd be might
hard for many people to distinguish from 'oo' and 'ee', respectively.

After all, Ceqli is not being designed as a training tool for budding
phoneticians, is it?

I'd go for a list, rather than trying to come up with an algorithm for
generating them.

Mike Wright
"China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."  
-- Charles de Gaulle