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Mike: >> "eu as in wAYWard (Esperanto 'eu^')" Is this /ew/? And it's a diphthong? I don't find any words in the glossary with this sound. Are there likely to be a large enough number of highly desirable loans containing this diphthong? Ray: >> This sound, even in esperanto, occurs only in a few
Greek loanwords (eufemismo, euforio, Eufrato, eugeniko, eukalipto, eukaristo,
eunuko, Eurazio, Europo and eutanazio). In English the pronunciation
becomes: [yu:f`miz`m, yu:fo:ria, .yu:freiti:z, yu:jeniks, yu:k`lipt`s,
yu:k`rist, yu:n`k, .yu:reiZa, .yu:r`p, `nd yu:T`neiZa]. In
German they pronounce these words fairly similarly to the English. I think
it is unnecessary to have this diphthong in a conlang or auxlang. I'd
rather see the Traditional Esperanto "europo" be replaced by either "yuropo" or
"uropo" in Reformed Esperanto. I think all these words can be represented
either with "yu" or "u" instead of "eu".