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Re: [txeqli] BELI & KOFI

on 2/28/02 1:34 AM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:

Yikes!  I do need to give this a lot more thought.  My knee-jerk
pronunciations below:

> What about the following?
> gasulgater

ga sul' ga ter"
> daryakinar

dar" ya ki' nor
> pampamzo

pam pam' zo  by the conscious penultimate stress rule
> popyatertail

po' pya ter" tail
> silamkreipe

si' lam krei" pe

> And what how do you define a syllable? Is <koijai> four syllables, as
> it would be in Japanese?

The list you got these from was formed under the ai, ei, oi, au, eu makes a
diphthong rule.  Therefore koijai is 2 syllables.
> Would you break up <karalan>, <karaqan>, and <karaman> the same way?
> If so, how? If not, why not?

Yes, ka-RA-lan, etc.

> Frankly, it takes a lot of staring for me to figure out which groups
> of syllables belong together in a morpheme, even though I understand
> the rule. I find it odd that stress should involve knowing what is and
> what is not a morpheme.

Well, here's my thinking on that.  Did I already say this?  Oh, well.

GER-man combines with pe to make GER-man-pe.  You have to keep the internal
stress of the morph lest you twist it out of shape, as in ger-MAN-pe.

Now, I have a problem with ga and pi compounds.  I realize that I want to
say ga-TER instead of GA-ter.  I think this is because the Ter is the most
important part of the compound and I want to stress it.  A way around this
would be to make ga and pi suffixes.  Terga.  What do you think?  I did the
same thing some time ago when I moved zo and xi from prefixes to suffixes,
for the same reason.

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
> Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm
> Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm
>Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/