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Re: [txeqli] Glottal stop ` and glottal stop + schwa ``

on 2/26/02 9:17 PM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:

> Ray Bergman wrote:
> [...]
>> The sound before a word beginning with a vowel is a glottal stop.
> [...]
> In some languages, such as Arabic or Hokkien, it is phonemic, but in
> others, such as most (all?) English dialects, it is not, and often
> occurs only after a pause. If I say, "That is an ugly old owl", I can
> do it without a single glottal stop.

And I do as well.  In my dialect, tho, I use a glottal stop in 'button'.
> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
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