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Re: [txeqli] Re: Big vote

I made a mistake using "tx" instead of "cx" 
("tx" would be the "th" as in "thing" [txinx]!)
I should have written:
cxu = chew
sxu = shoe
meyj`r = major (or "meyjar" if you pronounce it that way)
mezx`r = measure (or "meyzxar" if you pronouce it that way)
finxg`r = finger
(the "x" in this group above is not a phoneme - it changes the sound of the preceding letter to a similar phoneme with the digraph ending with "x" as its grapheme)
OR (here "x" represents the sound [Z]: 
qu = chew
cu = shoe
meyj`r = major (or "meyjar" if you pronounce it that way)
mex`r = measure (or "meyxar" if you pronouce it that way)
fi~g`r =finger