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New to the List, I have inevitable questions.  The overall picture of Txeqli
(or Ceqli, if you are as old as I) is fascinating, and very attractive.
Congratulations to Rex!  Carry on!

I realize that things are in flux, so these are suggestions.  In looking at
both Rex's and Alex's vocabularies, I don't find
            god (or God),
            sun (though star, planet, and moon are there),
            week (though day, night, and year are there),
            minute and second (though hour is there),
            half, and
            words for the measures (metre, gram, kilo, &c),
            a word to denote the decimal point, and
            a word to denote the fraction bar.

Also, how does one express the ordinals (2nd, 31st, &c)?

It is good fun to see the great variety of origins for word choices, and I
think it fine.  I'll suggest none; that is for Rex.

Again, the best of wishes,

John Schilke