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Re: [txeqli] Re: Mandarin

on 2/16/02 8:52 AM, kevinbsmith at yahoogroups@hidden.email wrote:

> --- In txeqli@y..., Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote:
>> To kan dorm.  The dog sleeps.
> Just to clarify, the 'To' here is optional, right?

Yes.  Without it, it can mean a, the, dog(s) sleep.  With it it must mean
The dog(s) sleep.
> Kan dorm. (The) dog sleeps.
>> Go dormfa to kan.  I put the dog to sleep.
>> Go fa to kan dorm.
>> Go fa ke to kan dorm.
> Is the 'to' required in those cases to split the verb
> from the noun? Can you provide translations for the
> second and third sentences so we can see the subtle
> differences?

I'd say not required, tho if you're talking to a computer you might want to
have either the to or a te, which means nothing at all except that a noun
follows (or noun phrase, I guess).  Of course, if you're typing to a
computer the space shows that the word isn't dormfakan, which I guess would
be a breed of sleep-inducing dog.

Here's what I think will happen.  Dormfa will probably tend to have a
specific meaning, like 'put the children, patient, whatever, to sleep in a
conventional way, i. e., put them in bed, give them a drink, sing to them,
whatever.'  But fa pe dorm will have a meaning limited to 'cause person to
sleep,' which could be as in dormfa, or with a drug, or a ray gun, or a
cosh, whatever.  Generally, phrases will, I think, mean exactly what they
say, while compounds will, as in Loglan, have 'metaphorical,' or at least
specific meaning.

>> Go pa dorm.  I slept.
>> Go dorm pa ke go pa toyl.  I slept before I worked.
>> Go fu kom do ke zi.  I will eat when you do.
> Seems slightly odd in the second case to have 'pa'
> after 'dorm', since you are still sleeping in the past.
> Perhaps it would seem clearer to me as: Go dorm pake go
> pa toyl. ('pake' = before)

I think you're right.  Pake, doke, fuke should be written as single words.

>> Gosa pamzo pa fa go dja skul.  My father made me go to
>> school.
>> Go pa dja skul befa gosa pamzo.  I went to school because
>> of my father.
>> And as a question word.
>> Kwa fa ke zi dja skul.  Why do you go to school?
> That all seems good to me.
> Kven
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> Rex F. May (Baloo)
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