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Hi steveo, Yes, quite new. I first came across it over a year ago -- I seem to remember this board having a lot more activity back then -- but never got very far with it. Now that I have more linguistic background, however, I thought I'd give it another look. It seems to do a great job of capturing the distinctions expressed by real natural languages. Back in the day, I remember hearing mention of a Latejami-to-English translation program, presumably being written by Rick Morneau. I found this pretty impressive, given that Latejami certainly seems no "closer" to English than any other natural language. Did anything ever happen with this? Was such a program ever completed? rex --- In Latejami@yahoogroups.com, MorphemeAddict@... wrote: > > Welcome, rexxia! > > There's not much activity here, but feel free to ask questions or make > comments. Are you new to Latejami? > > stevo > > </HTML> >