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Hmmm. My latest example is starting to answer my question. Maybe. When I think about it, there is a certain difference between "Mice kill easily" and "Mice die easily." The former could gloss as, "Something - we ain't sayin' what - causes mice to experience the state of being-dead easily." The latter as, "Mice experience the state of being-dead easily." There is a tiny bit more emphasis on causality in the former sentence - though presumably all mice die for a reason. It's a subtle thing, but it's there. So one could imagine a language that treated P-x as P-x [-A]; it wouldn't break anything. But such a language would always be keeping in view the idea that states are caused by *something*. Languages that don't treat P-x verbs that way, while not denying that states are caused, just don't choose to remember it all the time.