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resource update
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 14:46:20 EDT
- Subject: resource update
- To: Latejami@yahoogroups.com
Reference Grammar (20060930).
Some small changes.
I think at least Lesson 1 audio has been changed. I still can't open the files, so I'm not sure.
No new lessons.
Changes in link formats, perhaps in all lessons. Possibly other changes.
Dictionary (20061002 4202).
2 words deleted: xoxaso ('powerful'), xoxasoni ('power')
1 new word:
fenbeso [P-s] - confined, pent-up, not free or at liberty.
[Etym: free/unrestrained/uncertain/approximate polarity +
performance attribute]
Is "fenbesoni" 'confinement'?
7 definitions changes: byezevimba, fenxasimba, fenxaso, kopimba, xadagi, zifagimba, zizogimba.
1 note changed: xokemo.
1 example deleted: cabekolo.
16 new example sentences:
Cantamu jevu twazoga bavi jitavi baso tomame dasu cinjuva litukunzigi = I'll probably wear these pants because the brown ones are dirty. (cinjuvo, jitavi)
Cubusa twecalinze kezezumi zevaw bavi lizumi bikumo tomo zizogyu zicesi feso zeho = Reaching out for the rope, my assistant dropped all the pins in his other hand. (twecala)
Dasu cakopa bavi dasu faga likizumi libyetavi zonculo zaso = I want the candles to be away from those old clothes. (fage, kizumi, libyetavi)
Dasu cinkava kwizovi tomame cinbusava kwihi = The cat is clean because it washed itself. (cinbusa, cinkavo)
Dasu jekopa bavi jevu zoykopa Lajonbegi libyetavi dawkemo jonho = I hope that John will like his new clothes. (jekopa)
Dasu tidela kejopay fotitigi zuntesye timi tomame jutamu dasu ximunza fohi lutidagi = The pony is slower than the car because it doesn't have wheels. (fotitigi, tidagi)
Dasu twacala Laryabegi kuntesye kaykopa bavi fikicalinziva kejuzugi cakemo tomo = Mary is sewing but I prefer reading a good novel. (fikicala, twacala)
Dasu twazoga tomamene xevi tesye Laryabegi lizitavi ximyu tomawni = Why are you and Mary wearing each other's gloves? (zitavi)
Dasu ximunza ketisi titigi tinkepo taytukumo tomo = The island has seventy-five wild horses. (titigi)
Ficalambava xonkoybusi lufafimi tomame cabekola xonhi = The murderer wrote himself letters because he was crazy. (cabekolo, fafimi, ficala)
Jutamu cincalapa bavi lifobegi tomame cincalapavona fohi = I didn't bathe the children because they were able to bathe themselves. (cincala)
Kava luzopi zizoge zezopi xemo tesye dezoga bape zohi tavi xemo = There was blood in your hair and now, it's on your shirt. (tavi, zopi)
Tamenu dasu kopa xevi faculunzangaw kukoyzegi = Do you know the distance to the cemetery? (faculunzangaw)
Twabusoy lidoydagi xumyu lutifigi busege xontavi baso = Wipe the door knobs with this rag. (twabusa, xontavi)
Zonculunza kawtitigi ximyu kiva bavi kawhi fofage fodugi bitovi tukumo fentomay tomo = The deer that I saw near the village was approximately five years old. (fentomay, kawtitigi)
Zufoytegona zutomay bavi likokwabegi kozugi = I was barely able to whisper the lesson to the students. (zufoytega)