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Re: [Latejami] replies to two messages

MorphemeAddict@hidden.email wrote:
> 4. AUDIO FILES.  There are still six audio files.  I can't open the audio=20
> files, so I don't know if there are changes in them.

Why can't you open the files?

By the way, if the text versions of the drill sentences didn't change,
then the audio versions didn't change.

> Rick,
> Can "ximwa" be used in simple modifications instead of "ximyu"?

No.  "Ximyu" has the special genitive meaning when modifying a noun.
Here is how the translation software handles the difference:

    Zoykopa bavi fimi ximyu Lajonbegi
    = I liked John's book.

    Zoykopa bavi fimi ximwa Lajonbegi
    = I liked the John book.

As far as I'm concerned, the above is perfectly acceptable, even though
you can argue that they should be semantically identical.  I don't like
the idea of having more than one way of saying the same thing with a
simple part-of-speech change, even though it sometimes can't be avoided,
as in the following:

    Cakopa bavi fimi kemo
    = I wanted the big book.

    Cakopa bavi fimi kemay
    = I wanted the big book.

I'm willing to discuss this further if anyone else is interested, but
I'm not interested in negative criticism unless you can also suggest a
better way.


Rick Morneau