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Re: [Latejami] practice sentence, v. 2

MorphemeAddict@hidden.email wrote:
> How about:
> Dasu cakopa bavi zogimbiva kutezugi kuntesye facula kintomay kuhi.
> My intented meaning:  I want to attend the conference but it's too far away.

"Zogimba" is AP/F-d and means 'to arrive at'.  'Attend' should be AP/F-s

Also, I think that 'attend' should have its own activity root.
"Zoginza" literally means 'to stay at'.

It would also probably be a good idea to have an additional root for
'conference' because "kutezugi" means 'meeting', which could be informal
and for as few as two people.  "Conference" implies formality or
structure and typically involves many people.

Advice, anyone?


Rick Morneau