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Re: [Latejami] Re: firefighting words

In a message dated 3/15/2006 10:25:26 AM Central Standard Time, FaqSphinx@hidden.email writes:

For simplicity and utter regularity; it seems to make sense to me to
have a morpheme resolving to "the vehichle used in this profession".

Then a single morpheme makes firetruck, icecream truck, police car,
and ambulance.

I would say the same thing about the word marking the professional.
This could be "the person who does this professionally".


Words built like that would tend to be a lot longer in general.  The modifiers are not semantically precise, so they don't always follow nice neat patterns.  

Classifiers "tim" for 'vehicles' and "beg" for 'group member' pretty much fill the bill for the examples you give above.  How would you change them to match what your examples?
