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nouns for possessors of qualities; multiple prefixes

I'm a little unsure how to refer to people of different nationalities in Latejami.  The definition of 'French' is:

Larandugono - French [attributive]. Use Larandugoni to refer to French people or things.

I created and translated the following sentence:

The hungry Frenchmen spied on the foreign embassy =
Kunkicalinza Lalirandugoni fucakivo duxukigi faxaso.

I'm specifically concerned about the plural of "Larandugoni".  Does it refer to any French person or thing?  It seems like it would just mean "Frenchness", i.e., a quality, and persons and things are not qualities.  

Since the noun form is the quality/ability itself, and the non-noun forms mean "having the quality/ability", how does one say the noun 'someone who has the quality/ability'?  

Where does the plural prefix "li-" go when it's added to a word with another prefix, especially "La-"?  More generally, is there a prescribed order for multiple prefixes?
