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Re: [Ladekwa] Two possible solutions

In a message dated 10/20/2005 10:24:28 AM Central Standard Time, ram@hidden.email writes:

Solution #1:

Root morphemes (i.e., modifiers and classifiers) will have one of the
four forms:

   CV, CwV, CVV, CVS, CVSV, or CVna

Note that the special extender syllable "na" will no longer be a suffix
- this is the irregularity.

I see six forms.  Anyway...

This doesn't need to be an irregularity.  It is just a slight change to the classifier shape.  
Twenty-five forms are lost by removing CyA, which has the irregularity of not allowing "cyV"/"jyV".  Adding "na" to CV adds thirty forms, a gain of five forms.  However, "na" could also be added to any of the other allowed forms to get: CwVna, CVVna, CVSna, or CVSVna.  They would all be relatively easy to pronounce, and using "na" this way effectively doubles the number of available forms for classifiers.

The two irregular classifiers, in my view, are "cayu" and "kawe", the only two CVSV classifiers.

The latest suggestion of using CVSV to replace many CSV is good too.