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Imagine an english writing that reads "time flies like an arrow". (This sentence is an authentic example as far as I know.) A computer might misread it "flies of time love a specific arrow". So how can we say that:
A computer reads the english sentence (i. e.) "time flies like an arrow" (for) "flies of time love a specific arrow".
The interpretation "flies of time love a specific arrow" must be linked to the verb, as it's the reading that causes this interpretation. We already deal with results, if we have a prefix meaning "mis-" (we have it, haven't we?). If that "mis" means "mistake", and we specify "mistake" as "flies of time love a specific arrow", we get
A computer reads the english sentence (i. e.) "time flies like an arrow" (for) mistake (i. e.) "flies of time love a specific arrow".
A computer reads the english sentence (i. e.) "time flies like an arrow" mis.
A computer misreads the english sentence (i. e.) "time flies like an arrow".