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Re: Unhappy with Ladekwa as is

--- In Ladekwa@yahoogroups.com, Rick Morneau <ram@e...> wrote:
>     If there is a correspondence between the meaning of a modifier 
and a
>     classifier, then the semi-vowel can be removed from the classifier
>     to produce the modifier; eg. classifier "faw" could becomes 
>     "fa".  Modifiers that are not based on classifiers can have the 
>     CVn; eg. "ban" will have no relationship to "baw", "bya", "bay",
>     etc.
> Any comments or suggestions?

Yes: Deriving a modifier from "baw", "bya", "bay" (and "bwa"), in each 
case the result is "ba". So, the worst case is that classifier-modifier 
derivation works only in one fourth of all cases. So I'd prefer the 
voiced-unvoiced method.

I haven't noticed any difficulty in pronouncing Ladekwa sentences (I 
even thought that it must be easy to pronounce to Chinese / Japanese 
people, as sillables like "baw", "bwa", "bay", "bya" are very common 
there). The modifier derivation helped me a lot to memorize classifiers 
and modifiers, so I wouldn't benefit from changing the system.

Another problem for me is that I have become tired of learning entire 
morpheme systems. The grammar is what counts to me. I don't know how 
long it would take for me to learn a new system over.

Stephan Schneider