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Re: [Ladekwa] Unhappy with Ladekwa as is

In a message dated 10/11/2005 7:05:49 PM Central Standard Time, ram@hidden.email writes:

Every language has tongue-twisters, but Ladekwa has far too many.

So, I've decided to experiment with a new approach, and I'll be working
on it over the next several days.  It's very simple:

   Modifier ::= CV or CVn, where C is b c d f g j k p s t v or z

   Classifier ::= CSV or CVS

   In other words, the new approach discards the voiced-unvoiced
   distinction.  Modifiers and classifiers can use any of the
   consonants.  Root morphemes that do NOT contain a semi-vowel are
   modifiers.  Those that DO contain a semi-vowel are classifiers.

   If there is a correspondence between the meaning of a modifier and a
   classifier, then the semi-vowel can be removed from the classifier
   to produce the modifier; eg. classifier "faw" could becomes modifier
   "fa".  Modifiers that are not based on classifiers can have the form
   CVn; eg. "ban" will have no relationship to "baw", "bya", "bay",

Any comments or suggestions?

While I had noticed the same thing, I figured it was just a matter of getting used to it.  I need to think about the changes you suggest.
