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I think we have two different
paradigma-paradigmas. How do you define "argument"?
I was thinking like this: There are two
cathegories of entities: one are things, the other ones are states/predicates.
(Depending on our view-point, we can at any time change things to states
and vice-versa.)
A state (relational = transitive, non-relational
= intransitive) is a predicate of a thing (subject, object, focus).
Things having states may be treated as either
things or as states. In the latter case, we call the state a sentence (with a
verb), in the first case, we call it a noun-phrase (with an
In many indoeuropean languages (at least in the
romance ones) the paradigm is subject-predicate-object, no matter if the
predicate is a verb or an adjective.
The word order (the s-p-o paradigm) is always the
A student slept. - S=A student, VERB=P=slept
-> SENTENCE=A student slept.
A student sleeping - S=A student, P=sleeping
-> S=NOUN-PHRASE=A student sleeping
A student sleeping in school - S=A student,
P=sleeping -> S=NOUN-PHRASE=A student sleeping, P=in, O=school ->
S=NOUN-PHRASE=A student sleeping in school
A student sleeping in school annoyed me. - S=A
student, P=sleeping -> S=NOUN-PHRASE=A student sleeping, P=in, O=school ->
S=NOUN-PHRASE=A student sleeping in school, VERB=P=annoyed, O=me. ->
SENTENCE=A student sleeping in school annoyed me. But in Ladekwa we have
Slept a student.
A student sleeping
A student sleeping in school
Annoyed a student sleeping in school
But anyway, it's working fine. :)