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Re: [Ladekwa] abbreviations for BAS and POS

MorphemeAddict@hidden.email wrote:
> Since the basic argument structures (BAS) and parts of speech (POS) are so 
> important in Ladekwa, you could use their suffixes, as given in the Reference 
> Manual, Appendix B, as abbreviations for the BAS and POS.  E.g., "-te" words are 
> A/P/F-d verbs, so their abbreviation could be "mbama" (or just "mba".  Since 
> the BAS suffixes are all verbs by default, the POS wouldn't have to be 
> included for verbs.)  Another example: all "-ka" words are P-s nouns by default, so 
> their abbreviations could be "nsumi".  
> This way all the BAS/POS information is immediately available to the user, in 
> a form that he has to know anyway in order to use the language, so there is 
> less burden on the memory.

If there's a need to provide so much information, I might as well just
use descriptive labels, such as "A/P/F-d verb" or "P-s noun".  Besides,
if I saw something like "nsumi", I'd just translate it in my head into
"P-s noun".


Rick Morneau