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Re: [Ladekwa] Changes to Ladekwa

Thank you Rick for the answers.
When I downloaded the dictionary the link to the grammar wasn't there yet. Or maybe I just didn't see it. Anyway, I'm working with the reference manual now.
In a dictionary, the information if something is a verb, a noun, a prefix and so on, is given. Anyway, I wouldn't need that kind of information _now_, as I have understood the difference between kyu and gyu, for example.
I found out about the uppercase words... I was reading a printed version of the dictionary, and I didn't see that they were links. Oops.
For the rest I got your point. Thank you. (It will help me memorize the vocabulary better.)
----- Original Message -----
To: Ladekwa@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Ladekwa] Changes to Ladekwa

"Stephan Schneider" <sts@hidden.email> wrote:
> - I think it was for a period of a few pages very difficult for me to disti=
> nguish between modifier and classifier. I think this kind of distinction sh=
> ould be made to the user of the dictionary, as this is what it's all about,=
>  isn't it?
I disagree.  It's a dictionary, not a grammar.  Grammatical information
is in the reference manual.

> - Links to the opposite / antonym word elements would be really helpful.
Good idea!  The links will appear in the next upload.

> - How does the definition of UPPERCASE words work? For instance, "gijo" =3D=
>  "FILM"?
Click on them and find out.

> The audio files are about the former dialect of Ladekwa. Could you make ava=
> ilable the newer versions of the audio files?
I'm working on it.  Be patient.

> I think it must be "co" for "living room" and "byeco" for "room".
I disagree.  Not all sections of buildings are rooms.  For example,
"staircase" and "balcony" are not rooms.

> Otherwise it should be "gyukyu" for "chair".
"Kyu" becomes the modifier "gyu" BECAUSE a chair is 'folded'.  In other
words, the meaning of the classifier provides a clue to the meaning of
the modifier.  Also, I like to avoid using a modifier with its own

You asked many questions that are fully answered in the reference
manual.  You really should read it before reading the dictionary.


Rick Morneau