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MorphemeAddict@hidden.email wrote: > > Rick, > Have you assigned syllables for the modifiers that are not derived from > classifiers? > Yes. Here's the complete list (coincidentally, there are exactly 100): ba = one/unity/harmony/child/offspring baw = vote/opinion/choice/female bay = tree/wood/paper/tall/vertical/leg be = long/road/walk/line/string/hair ben = straight/unbent/smooth/calm/purple bi = maximal polarity bo = fish/water/liquid/swim bon = four boy = easy/habitual/common/male bu = work/deed/project/orange bwa = bound/restrained/certain/exact polarity bwe = enjoy/friend bwi = loud/sound/hearing bya = mechanical/technical/complex bye = membership/constituency/partitive/ordinal byo = future/after/post/late/finish byu = away/distant/foreign da = bird/fly/high/lift/gas/sky/blue daw = land/location/earth/natural/wild day = possible/potential/almost polarity de = language/mouth/message/word di = fast/agile/move/go din = eight do = general/nonspecific/indefinite/generic doa = color doy = play/sport/leisure du = connect/intermediary/neck/between dun = excessive polarity dwa = slow/dense/clumsy/immobile dwe = two/divided/opposition dwi = healthy/functional/ready dya = life/alive dye = government/nation/politics dyo = plant/green/growth/leaf dyu = religious/spiritual/supernatural ga = business/money/finance gan = positive/gain/extra polarity gaw = jump/spring/back-and-forth/iterate gay = performance/actor/substitute/similar/compare ge = high polarity/big gi = three/see/light/evident/show gin = point/peak/extremity/tail go = knowledge/wisdom/correct goy = round/rotate/fat/full gu = number/count/repetition/group gwa = law/justice/court/civilization gwe = death/inactive/sorrow gwi = cut/slice/sharp gya = clothing/shirt/thick/wide/chest gye = hard/tough/cold/solid gyo = pull/receive/request/collect/enter gyu = folded/sit/chair/angle ja = six/good/want/purpose jan = average polarity jaw = equal/same/fair jay = chemical/pure/clean/white je = low/under/on/support/foot/heavy jea = shape/symbol/meaning/face ji = past/before/pre/early/start/birth/contingency jo = flat/two-dimensional joa = arithmetic/abstract/difficult joy = energy/power/strong/leadership ju = zero/not/opposite/imaginary jwa = dangerous/harm/fear jwe = arm/branch/extension/lever/crane jwi = animal/meat va = building/home/reside/build/construct vaw = reality/truth/inherent vay = safe/protect/armor/skin ve = hot/anger/fire/yellow/spicy vi = writing vin = thankful/grateful/deserving vo = low polarity/small voy = thin/narrow/finger/touch vu = five/food/eat/stomach vwa = involvement/together/help vwe = electric/shock/strike vwi = temporary vya = sand/fine/filter/dig/deep vye = taste/tongue vyo = open/unobstructed/allowed vyu = dark/black/secret/unexpected za = own/possess/enough/sufficient polarity zaw = contain/inside/grasp/hold/hand zay = negative/loss/cancel/minus ze = seven/person/thinking/intelligent zen = smell/nose zi = happy/music/singing zo = red/blood/combat/violence zoa = duration/temporal/long-lasting zoy = kinship/family/trust zu = minimal polarity zun = bad/undesirable zwa = nine/push/press/give/exit zwe = free/unrestrained/uncertain/approximate polarity zwi = professional/expert/skillful zya = present/now/recent zye = closed/obstructed/disallowed/stopped zyo = top/summit/cap zyu = sweet/sugar Regards, Rick Morneau http://www.eskimo.com/~ram