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Calling all Aramaic experts or semi-experts.... A conlang on which I've been working for aeons contains a large proportion of Aramaic (especially Syriac) and Hebrew loanwords. There are three words that may or may not be neologisms of my own fancy, and if they are I want to make sure they're properly constructed. In any event, I want to make sure they don't look totally ridiculous. Where: ?aH means brother and ?aHa:h means sister and where initial ? is lost and H > h do the following make any sense? ?aHona > ahona = little brother, younger brother ?aHunta > ahunta = little sister, younger sister ?aHuta > ahonuta = "little brotherhood" (the quality or state of such) The first two seem to be extant in modern Jewish Iraqi Neo-Armaic. Thoughts? Salam, Shalom, Shlama Eamon