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Re: Indo-Iranian conlangs?

---In westasianconlangs@yahoogroups.com, Carl Edlund Anderson
<cea@...> wrote:
>By the way, I've also got a brace of Indo-European-inspired conlangs,  

"brace"! Dual number!

>and want to make a more-or-less Indo-Iranian one (perhaps more on the  
>Iranian than Indo side) -- which is something that technically falls  
>under the purview of this list. :)  

I'm sure the "Iranian" part counts as "Western Asian".  And anything
East of India probably counts as East Asian.  India itself probably
would count as South Central (stuff north of India but not much east
nor west of it counts as Central, IIUC); but mostly people just call
it "India" on the grounds that "it's a sub-continent".

>However, I find myself mildly  
>handicapped by good resources discussing the development of Sanskrit  
>and Avestan from PIE.  

You mean the _lack_ of such resources, right?

You should look at the "Resources" threads on the ZBB, the CBB, Sano's
Scriptorium, and Vreleksa.
I don't know if they have such resources listed there but it seems
awfully likely, especially the ZBB's and CBB's.
spinnoff.com/zbb and look for "resources" in the "L&L Museum"
conlanger.com/cbb and look for "resources"

>Can anyone recommend any books or, failing  
>that, web sites?

I hope so.  But at the moment, at least, I'm not one of the "anyone".

>Carl Edlund Anderson