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---In westasianconlangs@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4" ><Anthony.Miles@...> wrote: >[snip] >Would Pe, Ayin, and Lamedh be clearer than I, II, III? >Lamedh-Waw roots come from the o- and u-declensions of Greek: > ik_wo- > *yaqaw > >Lamedh-Yodh roots come from the Greek bilateral roots + the y that >disappeared in Greek and gave contract conjugations: > KAL+ Y > kaleyo > kaleo & > *kalay > >Ayin-Mem/Nun roots come from the n-insertion in certain IE roots: > LAB > lambano/elabe & > *lamab > >Pe-Samekh roots come from the s- prefix often attached to the initial >consonants of IE stems: > pek > Lat. specio, Gk. skepyo & > *sakap Extremely interesting. Sorry I don't have a more penetrating and insightful and cogent comment. I can't give advice; I can just admire.