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--- In westasianconlangs@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4" <Anthony.Miles@...> wrote: > > I've decided that Semito-European (Semitic structure, IE roots; H1 = > h, ?, H2 = x, h-, H3 = ?\) belong to the same TL as Emegali (Semitic > structure, Sumerian roots, spoken in OTL Yemen and the Somali Coast). > But the IE invaders who provide the initial impact of this language > would have to arrive earlier than in OTL and encounter Semitic > speakers who used a language closer to Proto-Semitic than the > Akkadians. > > Perhaps its ultimate settlement should be OTL Palestine/Arabia Felix? > Rebuffed by Egypt/Kalagal? > Take a look at http://tinyurl.com/zzaps http://listserv.brown.edu/archives/cgi-bin\ /wa?A2=ind0608b&L=conlang&F=&S=&P=9685 in particular at the following: "'This work is a philological oddity and a linguistic delight,' said MacLeod as we walked along the Embankment. 'The Shahinai speak a language that has points in common with both the Aramaic and the Finno-Ugric family of languages. It's the language that Christ might have spoken if he'd written the epistle to the primitive Estonians. Very few loanwords, for that matter. I have a theory that they must have been forced to make quite a few abrupt departures in their time. Do you have my payment on you?'" (from a story by Neil Gaiman). Googling on "Shahinai" only the very first hit seems to have to do with this story: http://www.dnapublications.com/revs/amrevcur.htm includes a book review starting "999: New Stories of Horror and Suspense edited by Al Sarrantonio Review by Joe Mayhew Avon, 666 pages, $27.50 (Save 20% at Amazon.com®) ISBN 0-380-97740-0" ---- Also look at http://tinyurl.com/g7vol and http://tinyurl.com/k3kbd for interesting remarks (presumably by a nut?) on related questions. http://uk.msnusers.com/LINGUISTICSLANGUAGES\ /hamlet.msnw\ ?action\ =get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=306&LastModified\ =4675484849372510920&all_topics=1 http://uk.msnusers.com/LINGUISTICSLANGUAGES\ /hamlet.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1&Dir=0&ID_Last=420 ----- eldin