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RE: [westasianconlangs] New member - Shaul

Isaac wrote:

- ma'qdamo en h^eyro!


- Your contributions will always be welcomed.

Again - thanks.

Just to show willing, I've printed out a table of X-Sampa symbols.  My
usual Conlang sign-off is
Kabiø pax mix qytsút (Great peace from Jerusalem).

So in X-Sampa that would (I think) be transliterated:
Ka"birZ paks miX "qYtsyt

Further explanation (modified version of a message I posted on Conlang):

Kabiø = great (from Arabic, also Hebrew). The simple form of the
adjective is kabir; kabiø is with mutation of the final consonant,
compensating for the loss of the earlier inflection with -e.  

Pax is a loan word and pronounced as in Latin; x is almost always
pronounced X as in the following word.

Mix = mi is the Tesk marker for geographical place names.  The origin of
the marker is from Tagalog, where the marker "si" is used before names
(si Juan = Juan).  I adopted that in Tesk, some other markers: mi [place
marker], ki [language marker], and kiwa [marker for an object or person
using or appearing in a given language].

Qyts = "y" is equivalent to u + umlaut, but short.  This word, which
means Jerusalem, is of course taken from Arabic, hence the "q" at the
beginning.  The postposition -ut means from, out of; the accent is the
Tesk marker of postpositions and doesn't have phonetic value.

So -
Kabiø pax mix qytsút!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]